Monday 9 November 2015

Weigh in

Start 216-143
Lost 3
Total 73
2 lbs below maintenance

Sunday 1 November 2015


I was in a bit of a panic over it. Even though  I hadn't bought Halloween candy I felt I could overeat. When it was suggested I go for a walk I  went  for one and it helped me calm down. By that time my husband was home and asked me if I had ate. I told him no because I was afraid that once I started I wouldn't stop. He suggested we don't go to a buffet but to a restaurant where I could get small portions which we did. It felt good to feel back in control and to choose a healthy meal. Right after the meal we went to the movies and because I was full no popcorn etc.  an enjoyable Evening

Saturday 31 October 2015

Halloween, Not Me

After 7 days of eating no sugar I started eating junk and haven't stopped. Yesterday I only had chocolate  bars, donuts and pepsi for every meal. How crazy is that. Tonight is Halloween and I didn't buy any Halloween candy. Tonight of all nights I need to stop my eating frenzy, it is so important that I do it tonight. My adult children come here and we all hand out candy to the neighbourhood kids  and we all pig out with the bought exra candy. If we dont get as many kids guess what we eat the leftovers. This has to stop and I'm the one who has to stop it. My adult daughters think I should still do it, no I'm not going to. My husband said we have to give the little kids candy, no I don't have to. My husband asked one of my daughters to come and give out candy and she told him to do it himself. He won't do it because he is to lazy. At least my daughters are supporting my decision. My husband doesn't like change but I'm determined. Not sure what I'm going to do instead, not answering the door doesn't seem right. I will get out of the house. 

Sunday 4 October 2015


I'm feeling  so peaceful after making the decision not to lose anymore weight. I wanted to lose more weight in hopes that my clothes would fit better. Realistically that isn't going to happen. I will always have a droopy stomach, losing a bit more weight won't help that in fact it will only droop more. It is time to accept that and move on. Actually I'm fine with my weight as it is. I'm at a reasonable weight for my height.

I will still tackle my binge eating problem. It's not as bad as it use to be but it needs work. I still eat to many sweets, being diabetic I need to get this under control. I have tried to go without but keep failing but I will not give up on this. I live to conquer.

Monday 14 September 2015

Feel So Positive

Weigh In
Start weight 216
Lost 1 lb back to goal weight of 145
New goal 135

Feeling more positive and climbed out of the pity pot. On top of everything my back was causing me pain. I have had 2 massages and feel almost normal. I also joined Half Size Me, so I will give it a try. Got in my exercise 25 minute walk. My husband and I had ice cream tonight and I deemed it as my last one for a while. 

Sunday 13 September 2015

Turn Around

 After  I posted below I was in a tizzy about what to do next. Was I going to the corner store and pig out? I had a small cry I felt so stressed and upset with myself. Finally I decided that I would go for a walk and if I still wanted junk I would get some. Wow what a change in attitude. It was hot out so I walked the mall, each lap is 1 k. After I decided to try on dresses, I will need one for my daughters wedding next year.. I found a couple that looked good on me. Not perfect but they hid my stomach a bit. By then I was feeling so good I didn't binge. I came home and had a healthy supper. Happy dance

Saturday 12 September 2015

Wasting my Time

i don't think anything can stop me when I decide to binge. I was doing fairly well until I got upset over a few things then I binged. I feel hopeless and useless. I can't do bogging right so no help in that area. There is a half size me community which charges 15.00 a month and there is pk thing called Binge Eat No More 47.00 but should I waste my money only to fail again. Only I can do this, my mind would probably over ride any advise. I feel so terrible I let food control me. All I can think about is junk food and going to the corner store.